Does My Child Really Need to Supplement with Vitamin D?

Article written by Aoibhinn Connolly

Everybody needs vitamin D. And your little ones are no different. They need vitamin D to stay healthy and grow properly.

But where does your infant get vitamin D from? Do they need vitamin D supplements? And how likely are little ones to become deficient?

To find out all you need to know, read our guide to your baby and vitamin D...

What does Vitamin D do?

Vitamin D isn't just about strong bones; it's a multitasker in our bodies. It's essential for calcium and phosphate metabolism, skeletal growth, bone health, and even plays a role in various hormonal functions. 

Emerging research also suggests a connection between vitamin D and mood regulation. This relationship is thought to be linked to the vitamin's influence on neurotransmitters and its anti-inflammatory properties. 

Vitamin D deficiency

It’s clear that many children don’t get enough vitamin D through their diet and that deficiency is common. 

Because of the significant role of vitamin D in maintaining critical bodily processes, having low or deficient levels can greatly impact your child’s health.

Certain children, like those with darker skin tones, those with more body fat, and those who get limited sun exposure, are more likely to develop a deficiency.

Where do children get Vitamin D?


Our main source of vitamin D is sunshine. UVB rays from the sun synthesise vitamin D in our skin. 

However, factors like the time of year, cloud cover, sunscreen use, and skin pigmentation can all impact UV radiation exposure and vitamin D synthesis.

This means that children who live in colder climates, such as the UK, are more likely to have low vitamin D levels.


Only a few foods naturally contain a notable source of vitamin D such as salmon, sardines, trout, egg yolks, liver and some forms of mushroom. 

That’s why getting enough of this nutrient through the diet on a daily basis can be difficult, especially for children who may not eat these foods often.


To get enough vitamin D, children need to take a vitamin D supplement to ensure no nutritional gaps..

The NHS recommends that all children receive a supplement containing 10µg of vitamin D from birth. 

Why your baby needs Vitamin D:

Breastfed babies, whether exclusively or partially breastfed, should have a daily vitamin D supplement from birth to 12 months, even if you are taking a vitamin D supplement yourself. 

However, this does not apply if your baby is having 500ml or more of formula milk each day, as there is sufficient vitamin D in formula. 

Babies need a vitamin D supplement because: 

  • Their skin is very sensitive to the sun and should not be exposed to strong sunlight, particularly without suncream.

  • Babies grow very quickly and have a high need for vitamin D for forming strong bones. 

  • Breastmilk does not contain enough vitamin D to meet their needs.

Get your kids Vitamin D now

At Rhitrition, we know it can be a little tricky to get kids to take their supplements.

That’s why we have found a way to make our product more appealing for little ones. 

Easy to take and even easier to love, our extra virgin olive oil drops are designed with kids in mind. 

Get your little one their vitamin D fix today at

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin D is essential for bone health, fortifying our immune system and different hormonal functions.

  • Sun exposure is our main source of vitamin D during summer, however, factors such as sunscreen, clothing and time spent indoors can hinder production. 

  • Vitamin D is particularly difficult to obtain from the diet as it’s present in very few foods and in very low levels.

  • To assure children are getting enough, a 10µg vitamin D supplement should be given daily.

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