Vitamin D Deficiency: A Closer Look at Public Awareness in the UK

Article written by Aoibhínn Connolly

Vitamin D holds a pivotal role in our bodies, influencing everything from bone health to immune function.

A closer look into vitamin D awareness in the UK revealed a concerning trend, where a significant portion of the population remains unaware of the importance of this vitamin. This lack of awareness leaves individuals at risk of insufficiency for many months of the year.

Sources of Vitamin D:

The daily recommended intake of vitamin D for all ages is 10 µg.

Our primary source of vitamin D is sunlight, a crucial factor in maintaining optimal health. However, during the darker months, depending solely on dietary sources for this essential nutrient presents a challenge. Vitamin D is also not abundantly present in many foods, making it difficult to get enough through diet alone. 

The combination of scarce dietary sources and reduced sunlight availability in the UK poses a significant hurdle in attaining the recommended levels of vitamin D.

To combat this issue, the UK Government recommends that individuals consider taking a vitamin D supplement containing 10µg from September to April to prevent deficiency. 

How many people follow this guideline in the UK?

A survey commissioned by the British Nutrition Foundation conducted in 2021 found that 49% of adults in the UK are not aware of the recommendation to take vitamin D supplements during the darker months of late autumn, winter and spring.

  • 32% of people who took part in this survey were aware of the Government recommendation on vitamin D supplements, including the daily recommended amount.

  • 19% of people had heard of the recommendation but were not aware that the daily suggested amount is 10 micrograms.

When it came to actually taking vitamin D supplements:

  • 26% of people said they take vitamin D supplements all year,

  • 8% said they take vitamin D supplements for most of the year,

  • 8% said they take them during the autumn and winter months, 

  • 15% take them ‘inconsistently’,

  • And 39% say they never take vitamin D supplements at all.

Why is vitamin D so important?

Let's break down the vital role of vitamin D:

  • It helps to absorb calcium, keeping our bones and teeth strong,

  • Promotes muscle health,

  • Bolsters our immune system,

  • May play a role in preventing mood disorders.

When we don't have enough vitamin D, it can lead to problems like brittle bones and a higher risk of fractures. Also, a lack of vitamin D makes us more vulnerable to infections and autoimmune diseases. 

In a broader sense, not having enough of this vitamin increases the chances of chronic conditions like heart disease and certain cancers. So, ensuring we have the right amount of vitamin D is an important investment for our overall health.

Who is most at risk of Vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency can affect anyone, however, some groups are more at risk of vitamin D deficiency than others:

  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding,

  • Infants and children, specifically under 5 years old,

  • People over 65 years of age,

  • People who have low or no exposure to the sun, e.g. people who cover their skin for cultural reasons or are indoors for long periods of time,

  • People from minority ethnic groups with dark skin such as those of African, African-Caribbean and south Asian origin, who require more sun exposure to make enough vitamin D,

  • Research suggests that people living in the northern part of the UK are more likely to be vitamin D deficient. 

Those in the above high-risk groups, should certainly consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement of 10µg all year round.

Get you supplements now

Ready to boost your health? At Rhitrition+, we offer a comprehensive range of vitamin D supplements for both adults and children. Ensure you and your little ones are equipped with the essential nutrients you need to thrive. Your health is your wealth, and a small step today can lead to a healthier, more vibrant tomorrow.

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